Friday, October 21, 2011

OOTD, Hair and Nails !

Hi there,

Today I was thinking of going shopping, but the weather was really sucky. It rained most part of the day so I just went home.
But I took some pictures of my clothes, my hair and my nails.
And here are the pictures.

I just wore a plaid shirt I bought here in Curaçao. The store is called 'The smiley store' .

I paired it with a skinny jeans i bought at Forever 21 on my vacation.
And i wore some high top sneakers. Brown and pink colored.

For jewelry I wore a pair of hooped earrings, my diamond heart necklace, and a bracelet i bought at the Miami Airport.

For my make-up I was really plain.
I used some mascara and pressed powder on my face, since I had school from 8 to 10 in the morning and I didn't want to be all dolled up for school.
Cause school is for learning :)

This is my bracelet. It has some beats in it. I support the breast awareness, that's one of the symbols I'll always shop for!
The rest are just some cute beats, like Minnie and Mickey mouse, the friend beat and a normal one...
Next to Mickey and Minnie there is another one but guess a took the picture in the wrong angle. Sorry ! :(

This is how my nails are looking right now. Pretty cool!.. There little cupcakes :D
I soo love them right now . The nail polishes I used are on the second picture, but I'll write down the basic colors. The art nail polishes were my own personal favorites I used, but you can use different ones. That's why I didn't write down what colors they were.
Nail polishes I used:
Jordana - Almond 125
L.A. Color - Magnetic Force NP415
Jordana - White 090

This is how I wore my  hair. It was in a high top bun and i twisted my bangs and pinned it in the bun. After that i used my bow hair pin, and just secured the twist in the bun whit it.

If you guys want an tutorial on this look, just comment down below and i'll make one as soon as possible.

See you soon,


1 comment:

  1. Wow theres so much to this post I dont even know where to start! lol. Firstly the plaid is VERY cute, I dont think I've ever come across a pink plaid shirt teehee. Looks very lovely on you. Also, your nails are sooooooooo adorable. Did you paint them yourself? ^_^

